Super moon!


On Monday night, November 14, 2016 people on earth will see a super moon.  

Our moon travels (سفر کردن) about one month to go around (دور زدن) Earth. As the moon travels around Earth, sometimes it is closer (نزدیک تر) to Earth than other times. That is because the path (مسیر) of the moon is not a circle (دایره) but an oval (بیضی), like an egg. As the moon travels on its oval path, there is one moment when it is closest (نزدیک ترین) to Earth. A super moon is a moon that is closest to the earth when it is full. A normal full moon is farther away. A super moon looks bigger and brighter and seems really, really close to us. But it is still (هنوز) 357,000 kilometers away from Earth.    
     The next time the moon will come this close to Earth will be on November 25, 2034.